Artificial Intelligence at the service of a sustainable humanity
An artificial intelligence that learns from you, works for you and pays you!
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Training systems, interactive methods, integration of innovations… For continuous training throughout life
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Audits, awareness raising
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Multidisciplinary interventions to address AI issues and challenges
Beyond Fake News, Artificial Intelligence finally understands the world (a little)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of Artificial Intelligence that has always evoked dreams as much as derision - and indeed, seeing a chatbot's "Sorry, I don't understand" over and over again doesn't give a sense of great intelligence. But in recent days,...
Answer to “Artificial Intelligence, Real and False Promises”
Feature published in the October 17, 2018 issue of Bilan and the online article here. We share the view that excessive attention to the “Singularity”, super intelligence and humanoid robots is often more sensationalist than useful. But we’d shouldn’t make the opposite...
Michel Authier joins ImpactIA’s Advisory Board
One more step for impactIA who is proud to welcome Michel Authier. Philosopher, mathematician, sociologist... In turn teacher, researcher, expert to the Prime Minister, Michel Authier adds his skills in impactIA. Inventor of the "Knowledge Trees" in 1991, his current...